Florida Pilot

A compendium of random thoughts from a former Washington Beltway insider who is now having a lot more fun flying small airplanes in Central Florida.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Al Gore's big show

It is hard to imagine anyone who would be worse as an entertainer than Al Gore. The "man of wood" shows almost no expressions except when he is coached and, even then, it is apparent they are faked. So it is probably good for the Al Gore TV network that Al himself is not an on-air personality.

Now that he is, to some extent, an "entrepreneur" (a strange concept for a liberal), we can see how he performs in the real world. Apparently one of the first things to go was opposition to sexually-explicit materials most often associated with his wife Tipper's silly tirade against song lyrics. These days, however, sex means money in the till so it is apparently all right.

"To capture the elusive eyeballs of the iPod generation, Mr. Gore's channel has also been experimenting with some raunchy fare. In a segment titled "Hooking Up," women loosened up by tequila suck on lollipops as they muse about their sex lives. There's no nudity, but there are graphic discussions of "fingering" and under what conditions they will "put out." Another recent segment included a photo of sex toys.
That kind of material might alarm Mr. Gore's wife, Tipper, who once led a crusade against explicit song lyrics, but the former vice president has apparently taken it in stride."
It goes without saying that their is a liberal slant to the Gore network. Not a "deliberate" liberal slant of couse but more like the New York Times or the Washington Post -- since no conservatives are anywhere near the place, only liberal ideas are even considered.

"Despite the caveats, on balance the on-air segments do tilt left. Cartoon "pods" mock Mr. Bush and other administration figures. A commissioned video exploring military recruiting in high schools used hidden cameras to capture a uniformed recruiter giving a pitch that was portrayed as misleading. Anti-war "counter-recruitment" activists were featured, but the video showed no young people explaining the benefits of military service."
Joel Hyatt (of Hyatt Legal Services) and a bunch of other liberal fat-cats are backing the Gore network. I always considered Hyatt a true entreprenuer but might re-think that after discovering that he is a big liberal. Most entrepreneurs that have to work hard at building their businesses are not liberals as they dislike the high taxes on those who work the hardest. It is "get rich quick" folks like Hollywood types that tend to be liberals as they view that money falls off trees.

Gore's network also seems to share with its radio cousin Air America a taste for improper funding sources.

One investor that has generated controversy is the Yucaipa American Fund. President Clinton is an adviser to the fund, which is backed by California pension money and was described in press accounts as specializing in investments benefiting lower-income urban and rural communities. A critic of the fund, Peter Schweizer, said he doesn't believe the network is aiding the underprivileged. "That's the express goal they established," Mr. Schweizer, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, said. "Of course, Current TV doesn't fit the bill."

The idea of Al Gore actually having to worry about meeting a payroll and dealing with staff issues is intriguing but unrealistic as it appears that Gore is not really that involved in day-to-day operations.


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